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The Evidence-Based Therapy Community of Practice (EBT CoP) provides a space for service providers across Canada to connect, share and leverage knowledge to enhance care for Veterans and their Families living with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related mental health conditions. Using best practices in cultivating CoPs, the EBT CoP is structured around three elements:

  • Domain
  • Practice
  • Community

Members of the EBT CoP will shape the domain and practice over time to best meet the needs of the community.

“Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.”

— Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner

2-hour monthly meetings
No cost
For service providers


The purpose of the EBT CoP is to enhance care for Veterans and their Families living with PTSD and related mental health conditions by providing connection opportunities for service providers who value the delivery of EBTs with fidelity and effectiveness.

At the core of the EBT CoP is the shared role in delivering psychotherapy to Veterans living with PTSD and their Families. The CoP will focus on recommended and suggested EBTs for treating PTSD with an awareness of emerging treatments. The EBTs of focus for this CoP include:

  • Cognitive-behavioural conjoint therapy (CBCT)
  • Cognitive processing therapy (CPT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy


We hold regular meetings via Zoom which provide members with the opportunity to make connections, ask questions and discuss various issues related to the effective implementation of EBTs with Veteran and Family clients. Two-hour meetings will be held monthly from September to June, unless otherwise stated. Some of these meetings may include presentations delivered by experts in the listed EBTs.


  • Foster collaboration and enhance access to EBTs for Veterans and their Families
  • Encourage members to work towards addressing underlying Veteran, Family and service provider barriers limiting the use of EBT
  • Explore contexts where adaptations are necessary for the use of EBT with Veteran and Family clients
  • Share experiences to advance the Veteran mental health system in Canada
  • Advance EBT by understanding how equity, diversity and inclusion impact their use, accessibility and effectiveness

Upcoming meetings

Please use the time zone selector drop-down to see what time the meetings take place in your region.

Date Eastern time Topic
September 12, 2024 12 – 2 p.m. Standard implementation of PE
October 10, 2024 12 – 2 p.m. Standard implementation of CPT
November 7, 2024 12 – 2 p.m. Standard implementation of CBCT
December 12, 2024 12 – 2 p.m. Standard implementation of EMDR
January 9, 2025 12 – 2 p.m. Lived experience from a CAF Veteran
February 13, 2025 12 – 2 p.m. Lived experience from a RCMP Veteran
March 13, 2025 12 – 2 p.m. Adaptations of EBT when working with Veteran clients
April 10, 2025 12 – 2 p.m. Lived experience from a Veteran Family member
May 8, 2025 12 – 2 p.m. Adaptations for involving Veteran Families in EBT treatments
June 12, 2025 12 – 2 p.m. Adaptations of EBT to support equity

Join the community

Our community is open to eligible service providers. All levels of expertise are welcome, whether you are a beginner just starting to use an EBT or an expert with many years of experience using EBTs with your Veteran and Family clients.


The EBT CoP will have a maximum of 80 members in its inaugural year. Membership capacity will be reassessed each year over the months of July and August.

Membership requirements

To be considered for membership in the EBT CoP, an individual must:

  • Provide care to Veterans or Veteran Families (Veterans from the Canadian Armed Forces [CAF] and former Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] members).
    • You must have a Veteran or Veteran Family member in your current caseload.
    • The insurance provider your client uses is not a determining factor for eligibility (e.g. Veterans can use their own private insurance or insurance through Veterans Affairs Canada).
    • Service providers who only care for active military or RCMP members are not eligible. Clients that are transitioning out of the military but are still currently an active member do not count towards the Veteran eligibility requirement.
  • Be a licensed/registered service provider working in mental health or a licensed/registered service provider in supervised practice working in mental health.
    • Your licence must include psychotherapy in your scope of practice.
    • Please note that regulatory bodies differ in each province and territory and the scope of practice for each profession may vary as a result.
  • Have completed a training workshop in one of the following EBTs for PTSD:
    • Cognitive-behavioural conjoint therapy (CBCT)
    • Cognitive processing therapy (CPT)
    • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR)
    • Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy
  • Be currently living and providing care in Canada
  • Be able to participate in English
  • Agree to complete a confidentiality agreement prior to engaging in any EBT CoP activities

Professional contribution

A participation certificate is available through the Atlas Institute for each meeting you attend. You must attend the full meeting to receive a certificate. Each meeting is approximately two hours in duration, which will be noted on the certificate should you wish to submit it to your licensing body for continuing education hours.

Learn more

If you have any questions about the EBT CoP, please reach out to the Implementation team at or 613-722-6521 ext. 7203.