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Introducing our vision for a system that meets you and your Family where you are

Together, we want to forge a path towards a future of better care for Veterans and Veteran Family members, with improved outcomes for all. This path starts with the Conceptual Framework.

Check out our new video and interactive infographic to learn more about the Framework and its key benefits. We co-created these resources with an advisory group.

All resources are available in accessible formats. Closed captioning is available for viewers. To enable this feature, choose the CC button at the bottom-right of the video. A descriptive transcript is available below the video. To view this transcript, click View Transcript. The infographic is also available as an accessible PDF for those with auditory or visual disabilities, and those using a mobile device.


Visual: Logo of the Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families.

Visual: A hedge maze in isometric top view appears. Veterans and Veteran Family members wander aimlessly through the maze.

Visual: Text bubbles float up from the maze, each showing a concise summary of a problem with the current mental health system:
[TEXT BUBBLE 1: I struggle to find and access support.]
[TEXT BUBBLE 2: Our experiences and needs aren’t really understood.]
[TEXT BUBBLE 3: My services providers don’t talk to each other.]
[TEXT BUBBLE 4: I have to tell my story over and over again.]
[TEXT BUBBLE 5: I’m stuck.]

Narrator: As a Veteran with PTSD or Family member, you can often face a complicated maze of services on the road to recovery. You may find that your unique needs and experiences are not understood or that you have to repeat your story over and over again to different service providers. All of this may leave you feeling stuck.

Visual: The walls of the maze shrink to reveal the maze floor. In the distance along a path, there is a well-tended park. The people in the maze stop moving. A billboard appears in front of the park with a Canadian flag and a title: Framework to Support Veterans and their Families. Colours turn brighter and more saturated.

Narrator: That’s why the Atlas Institute, in partnership with Phoenix Australia, developed a conceptual framework. Think of it like a blueprint or recipe. The framework highlights barriers you face in the current system and provides a vision and direction for a better system.

Visual: Arrows appear in front of people’s feet in the maze. The arrows converge to show different ways out of the maze.

Visual: Signs appear between the maze and park, each showing a specific benefit of the framework:
[SIGN 1: Veteran- and Family-centric]
[SIGN 2: Coordinated care]
[SIGN 3: Quality services]
[SIGN 4: More than just a number]
[SIGN 5: Support for the whole person]
[SIGN 6: Trauma-informed]
[SIGN 7: Culturally competent]
[SIGN 8: Right care at the right time]

Narrator: The system promoted in this framework is one that better serves those who have served. One that offers coordinated, quality services when you need them. One that treats you and your Family as more than just a number and looks at more than just illness. One that prioritizes your needs and experiences and is respectful of diversity. A system that meets you where you are.

Visual: Signs disappear. A group of Veterans and Veteran Family members have gathered in front of the exit to the maze. The group looks at the park. A path that connects the exit of the maze to the entrance of the park lights up. The camera zooms in on the group. A ribbon reappears above their heads, showing a positive message that closes the film: Forging a path forward to a better future of care.

Narrator: Let’s forge a path together toward a better future of care for Veterans and their Families.

Visual: Logo of the Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families.

End of transcript.

interactive infographic

The walls of treatment — For Veterans and Veteran Families

To begin exploring the infographic, select the red button on the home page. You can then navigate through two main scenes at your own pace.

The first scene shows key barriers (or walls) that Veterans and Veteran Families face in the current mental health system. Expand the text bubbles by hovering over the orange dots. Select “Learn More” in the bottom-right corner to progress to the second scene.

The second scene shows how our vision for an improved system, as described in the Framework, helps break down these walls. Expand the text bubbles by hovering over the green dots. Select “Home” in the bottom-right corner to return to the home page.

Advisory Group

These resources were co-created with an advisory group consisting of Veterans and Veteran Family members. Their insights and expertise guided the creative direction and content of these resources.

Note: The names listed include only the individuals who have provided explicit consent to be presented on the Atlas website.

– Candace Bell
– Cpl (Ret’d) Natalie Champagne
– Anna Miller
– Mcpl Pascal Poisson


Explore our vision for a better mental health system for Veterans and Families.