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Displaying personal pronouns matters to us

People often make assumptions about the gender identity of another person based on their outward appearance or name. This is not always correct, and when someone is referred to with the wrong pronoun, it can feel disrespectful and offensive. At the Atlas Institute, we are intentional and proactive about our use of pronouns. Knowing and using preferred personal pronouns is our way of showing respect and creating an inclusive environment where every staff member can thrive.

Reference: MyPronouns Org. (n.d.). Resources on Personal Pronounces.


Why acknowledging territory matters to us

Land or territorial acknowledgements are an honest, respectful, and historically accurate way to recognize the traditional First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit territories of a place. This practice has become a small, but meaningful way to honour the original occupants of this land. With the inherent kinship beliefs of Indigenous people when it comes to land, an acknowledgement helps us recognize, value, and respect those traditions, especially as those beliefs were prohibited for so long.

Reference: LocalLove CA (n.d). What are Land Acknowledgements and Why do They Matter?