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International Women’s Day 2025: Accelerate action

International Women’s Day has been celebrated annually on March 8 for more than 100 years. On this day, people around the world honour women’s achievements and raise awareness about inclusivity. Today, the Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families recognizes all women, particularly those serving in or retired from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), as well as the women in Families who stand beside those who have served. Through your service, you’ve made sacrifices and overcome barriers, paving the way for future generations of women. We invite you to learn more about the service and sacrifices of women in Canada.

From dreams to reality: Reflections from one of the first women in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

In the latest Perspectives blog post, former serving RCMP member Debbie McLean opens up about the personal and professional sacrifices she made through her career and the lasting mental impact they’ve had on her. Through her faith, the support of her Family and the Veteran community, she has overcome the challenges she faced as a result of her service.


This year’s International Women’s Day theme, “Accelerate Action,” calls for gender equality and systems to advance women globally. In line with this, we celebrate the announcement of the inaugural Women Veterans Council by the Minister of Veterans Affairs, whose members will bring their lived experiences and expertise together to advance equity in health, research, access, practice and policy in support of all servicewomen, both currently serving and retired. Atlas Board Co-Chair Colonel (Ret’d) Telah Morrison, Athena Project working group advisory member Corporal (Ret’d) Sarah Lefurgey (RCMP) and Captain (Ret’d) Hélène Le Scelleur (CAF), who advises on Atlas projects including the Veteran Family Summit, are among those selected for the council. Congratulations to these incredible women of the first Women Veterans Council!

We also take a moment to remember the many women who have lost their lives in service of Canada. Your courage and sacrifice will not be forgotten. Lest we forget her.

Learn about women-focused initiatives at Atlas

Women Veterans’ health: Research is only just beginning to explore the impacts of women’s experiences in the CAF and RCMP on their careers and lives after service. Learn more about women-focused initiatives at Atlas, including the Athena Project, a community-based initiative involving women Veterans of the CAF and RCMP that is dedicated to research and building connections in support of women Veterans’ well-being.

Women Veterans’ health survey: Learn more and participate in a study examining access to health care during time in service, access to women-specific care and mental health outcomes, as well as the situational and behavioural factors that may influence health and well-being

Women’s well-being in the transition from the military to post-service life: This survey asks women Veterans of the CAF about different aspects of their mental health and well-being during transition in order to understand how these different aspects affect their post-service life.