- 2024-04-01
- Campaign
Month of the Military Child 2024

Every April, we celebrate the Month of the Military Child and highlight the strength, perseverance and resilience of military children. The Atlas Institute is proud to shine a spotlight on the stories and experiences of the children of serving and Veteran members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) through the ups and downs of military Family life. We hope their voices and words inspire and provide hope to all children of those who serve and show them that they are not alone.
Military “children” come in all ages, whether they are 3, 30, or 90 years old. No matter how old they are, the “military brat” identity never truly goes away. They often experience life differently than the average Canadian, coping with their parents’ deployments, trainings, postings, transitions, life after service — and sometimes, the long-term mental health outcomes of their work. Through it all, they display adaptability, flexibility and strength. Like the dandelions that thrive wherever they are carried by the wind, military children often journey in various directions and flourish where they land.
Join us in commemorating this special month by honouring their spirit and contributions, acknowledging their qualities and offering support. Check out the following links to discover stories from military children and various resources.
Hear from military children
The following videos feature military and Veteran children talking about what it’s like to live with someone with a posttraumatic stress injury (PTSI) in the Family and how they take care of their own mental health.
Content warning: These real-life stories may be difficult to watch as they discuss themes such as conflict, loss and discrimination. Content may touch on mature subject matter, such as alcohol use.
The MindKit Chronicles: This webcomic follows Thomas’s journey as he finds out more about mental health and learns how to deal with his parent’s PTSI.
It’s Not ’Cuz of Me: This book gives voice to the experiences, emotions and worries of children who have a parent with PTSD. It helps give children a sense of understanding and empowerment that their parent’s PTSD is not because of them.
We Have Superpowers: Read aloud by its author in this video, We Have Superpowers celebrates the strengths and contributions of children of CAF members and Veterans.
Joey’s Mom is Going Away: This story explores the experiences of military Families during deployment and offers a helpful guide for parents and caregivers to support children with separation, communication and connection.
My Mom is a Soldier: Aimed at CAF parents and educators of children who are four to eight years old, this story offers a relatable and insightful guide on supporting children through the ups and downs of military life.
For military and Veteran children
MindKit: MindKit is a mental health hub for military children to learn about mental health and PTSIs. It was co-created by Atlas and young Family members of Canadian Veterans living with a PTSI.
CAFKIDS crisis texting service: Did you know that kids and youth from military Families living in Canada have 24-7 access to a free, confidential crisis texting service? Text CAFKIDS to 686868 at any time to get mental health and well-being support.
The Minds The Matter – Youth: A series by Military Family Services to help youth understand a Family member’s operational stress injury (OSI)
For parents and caregivers
Strongest Families Institute: Strongest Families Institute provides support with transitions such as deployments, postings, training courses and reintegration. Their programs help Families with children ages 3 to 17 learn coping strategies to deal with change. Services are free and available at convenient times and run by staff who are trained in military cultural competencies.
Wounded Warriors Canada Warrior Kids program: This program aims to help kids build positive relationships with peers, gain knowledge and develop new coping skills that will help them grow and thrive.
Camp Kids of Heroes: A summer camp that is designed for children of first responders, military and Veteran Families living with parents with an operational stress injury. This program provides a supportive community where children can connect with others who share the same experiences.
Additional information for Families and friends: The Atlas Institute’s dedicated webpage offers resources, information and tools for the Families and friends of CAF and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Veterans living with PTSD. It aims to empower and assist Families and friends in better understanding and supporting their loved ones during challenging times.
Additional information for children and youth: The Atlas Institute’s dedicated webpage on children and youth provides information and resources for children with a family member experiencing PTSD, and coping tips for children dealing with secondary trauma stress.
For service providers
Guide to working with military kids: This guide from Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services and Kids Help Phone offers insights on working with and supporting military children.