A month of supports for and stories about those living with post-traumatic stress
Post-traumatic stress appears in many places. We see it in both active military members and Veterans. Those who have witnessed acts of violence during service, or been exposed to atrocities and multiple traumas. It appears in medical staff — individuals forced to make hard decisions about who will get life support and who won’t, like we’ve seen during the Covid-19 pandemic. It shows up in an Indigenous Veteran who has gone through both the Residential School System and military engagement. It emerges in a female service member who has experienced military sexual misconduct and now lives with that trauma. It can create sadness, fear, guilt, and a feeling of having lost control of one’s life. People experiencing PTSD can feel hopeless.
Throughout this month, we will be sharing resources, information, and stories about living with post-traumatic stress. There is no shame in having it – it often emerges from situations where our lives, or the lives of people for whom we are responsible, are threatened. The goal is to understand it, to manage its impacts and, eventually, to heal. There is hope, there are effective treatments, and a good life is possible.
Visit our website and social channels throughout the month for information, ideas, and supports in understanding and managing post-traumatic stress.