- 2021-11-04
- Statement
Veterans’ Week 2021

Every year, Veterans’ Week provides moments of reflection, and often of grief, for still-serving members of CAF, Veterans, and their Families.
Trauma experienced while on duty can create invisible ribbons of pain that extend across generations and relationships. As a culture, we are coming to understand the impacts of military service on individuals, as well as on their Families and friends. What was once called “shell shock” or “battle fatigue” is now more properly understood as Post-Traumatic Stress.
Increasingly, services and supports are being tailored to respond effectively to the specific needs of those who have served this nation. But, there is still much work to do, and significant improvements in Veteran-centred care are needed.
The Centre of Excellence on PTSD asks all Canadians to reflect upon the immense contributions that Veterans, active CAF members, and their Families have made, and continue to make, to this country, both at home and abroad.
We urge everyone to pause on Remembrance Day, and honour those who have given so much throughout the generations. After that day, we will continue to remember and support those still serving and those who are now Veterans. They deserve nothing less.
For Veterans’ Week 2021:
- Commemorating Veterans’ Week 2021, View the Centre of Excellence’s new PSA.
- Holidays Ahead
For many Veterans and their Families, the holidays are not an easy time of year. In fact, they are often one of the toughest. The holidays can also bring up unpleasant reminders of previous traumatic experiences.To-do lists, busy gatherings, and crowds can feel overwhelming, To help Veterans and their Families through this difficult time, here’s a resource that provides tips and strategies for coping during the holiday season. - Veterans Affairs Canada Podcast Series
We all benefit from the service and sacrifice of the 2.3 million+ Canadians who have served our country for over 100 years. It is our duty to honour and remember them.Listening to VAC’s Faces of Freedom podcast is a powerful way to remember and reflect.The podcast features stories from Canadians who have proudly served at home and abroad, from natural disaster relief operations to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan. Listen here: https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/people-and-stories/podcasts/veterans-week-2021

Remembrance Day is the start of a season that can be challenging for some Veterans and their Families. Resources and supports are available. Explore the links below to learn more about PTSD, some options for treatment, as well as tips and strategies for coping with the holidays.
If you, members of your family, or your friends need support:
Find Support – Centre of Excellence on PTSD
If you want to learn more about the causes and symptoms of PTSD, as well as treatments options:
PTSD and Some Options for Therapy – Centre of Excellence on PTSD
If you are a Family member or friend of a Veteran and want to know about supports and services that are available for you:
For Veteran Families and Friends – Centre of Excellence on PTSD
To learn more about national commemorations for Veterans’ Week:
Commemorative Events – Veterans Affairs Canada