Compelling Conversation Series: The Power of the Media
In November 2020, Atlas hosted a virtual discussion on the impact of the representation of Veterans in the media. ‘The Power of the Media: Impact on Veteran Stories’ was the first Atlas ‘Compelling Conversation’–a public discussion about issues affecting the health and well-being of Canadian Veterans.
Attendees heard the lived experiences and perspectives of a Veteran, Veteran Family Member and a journalist. The speakers shared stories that showed how their perspectives were presented in and shaped by the media.
Additional participants included Dr. Patrick Smith, former CEO and first President of Atlas, and Dr. Rob Whitley, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University and Research Scientist, Douglas Research Centre. The virtual panel was moderated by Graham Richardson, Chief News Anchor for CTV News at Six and afternoon news anchor on Newstalk 580 CFRA.
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Tackling Harmful Stereotypes Can Promote Veterans’ Mental Health
An opinion piece, “Tackling Harmful Stereotypes Can Promote Veterans’ Mental Health,” encourages Canadians to see beyond Hollywood-inspired stereotypes of Veterans, and outlines a new research project aimed at helping journalists report about Veterans in a holistic and responsible manner, moving beyond any stereotypes to chronicle the diversity of Veterans’ experiences.
The editorial was co-authored by Dr. Rob Whitley, professor and research scientist with McGill University, and Brian McKenna, retired Warrant Officer and the Veterans Advisor for the Centre of Excellence on PTSD and Related Mental Health Conditions.