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Wounded Warriors Canada (WWC), in collaboration with the Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families, is offering an online training to mental health service providers and their trainees who support Veterans or Veteran Families in Canada. The cost for this training is covered by the Atlas Institute for eligible service providers who register and are approved.

Continue reading to learn more about this training, including how to register.

About this course

Facilitated by Dr. Tim Black, R. Psych., National Clinical Director at WWC and Alex Sterling, MA, RCC, Senior Associate Clinician at WWC, this course teaches pragmatic approaches to self-care for clinicians who work with trauma-exposed professionals (TExPs). The unique nature of TExP clients, such as the frequency and often highly disturbing nature of the traumatic events to which they are exposed means that clinicians who work with TExPs are at increased risk for burnout, compassion fatigue and potential traumatization themselves. Traditional approaches to self-care that focus on “end of the week, non-work-related activities” may not be sufficient to help clinicians who work with TExPs avoid the negative impacts of chronic traumatic event exposure in their work.

Tim and Alex discuss how to practically incorporate self-care into your professional practice before, during and after your work with TExP clients by structuring your clinical practice around self-care principles, maintaining a “low-trauma diet” and considering adopting a “self-care lifestyle” as a standard part of being a clinician who works with TExPs. Building on and expanding the BETR (body, emotions, thoughts, relationships) model from Introduction to working with trauma-exposed professionals: TExP1, Tim and Alex’s collegial and conversational approach encourages us to take the same care with ourselves as we do with our clients.

By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Understand the unique challenges faced by clinicians who work with TExPs and their impacts on mental health service providers
  • Develop practical strategies to integrate self-care into their professional practice
  • Learn how to structure clinical practice around self-care principles, including maintaining a “low-trauma diet” and adopting a “self-care lifestyle”
  • Apply the BETR model to enhance self-care strategies for working with TExP clients


Please complete the online form to register for this training.

After you submit your registration form, you will be notified within approximately 10 business days via email whether your registration has been accepted.